Our Services

Welcome to our dynamic world of advertising, brand and portfolio management, motion pictures, and rights management services, where we are dedicated to helping businesses and individuals make an impact in today’s competitive landscape. Our range of services, including TV and radio advertisement distribution, website design and development, social media management, and movie submission and distribution, are designed to connect you with your audience and investors and drive real results. With a team of experts and a commitment to innovation, we’re here to help you build your brand, generate buzz, and achieve success. Let us elevate your digital and media presence and take your business to new heights.

  • Billboard Advertising

    Starts at $6,000.00

    Billboard Advertising is the ultimate way to make a big impression, towering above the crowd and capturing attention from afar. With strategic placement and eye-catching design, it’s the perfect tool for creating brand recognition and generating buzz around a product or service. Get ready to be seen and remembered with billboard advertising.

  • Brand and Identity Portfolio Development & Booster (BIPDB)

    Starts at $49,000.00

    Brand and Idnetity Portfolio Development & Booster services are the creative catalysts that help boost your identity and brand’s visibility and influence. They develop your brand strategy, create a compelling portfolio, and connect you with high-profile luminaries and influencers to amplify your reach. With a focus on innovation and storytelling, these services help take your brand to new heights.

  • Cinematography and Trailers

    Starts at $6,000.00

    A creative force that brings your story to life on the screen. We’ll capture your book’s essence and translate it into a compelling visual narrative that engages and excites your audience. With a mastery of cinematography and storytelling, this service helps your book reach new heights of success.

  • Editorial Service

    Starts at $0.08

    Editorial services are the wordsmith wizards that help your writing shine. They refine your work with a keen eye for detail, correcting errors and improving clarity. With a mastery of language and a passion for storytelling, editorial services elevate your work to a whole new level, making it ready for the world to read.

  • Email Campaign

    Starts at $699.00

    Email marketing is the direct line to your audience, delivering personalized messages and promotions right to their inbox. With advanced segmentation and automation tools, it’s the perfect way to engage customers, build loyalty, and drive conversions. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, email marketing is the ultimate tool for growing your brand.

  • Explainer Videos

    Starts at $4,000.00

    Explainer videos are the creative storytellers that simplify complex concepts and ideas in an engaging and entertaining way. They use animations, graphics, and voiceovers to break down information into bite-sized pieces that are easy to understand. With a focus on clarity and creativity, these videos help you connect with your audience and communicate your message effectively.

  • Global Business Awards Submission

    Starts at $1,999.00

    Global Business Awards Submission Service is the golden ticket that helps your business get recognized on a global stage. They craft compelling award submissions that showcase your achievements and highlight your unique value proposition. With a focus on excellence and innovation, this service helps your business stand out from the competition and gain the recognition it deserves.

  • Independent Film Production

    Starts at $50,000.00

    This creative powerhouse helps bring your story to life. We handle everything from script development to casting, filming, and post-production, all while staying true to your artistic vision. With a passion for storytelling and a focus on creativity, this service helps you produce a film that stands out from the crowd.

  • Literary & Digital Rights Management (LDRM)

    Starts at $12,000.00

    Literary & Digital Rights Management are the publishing powerhouses that help get your book in the hands of the right people. They pitch your manuscript to publishers, agents, and bookstores, and negotiate deals on your behalf. With a finger on the pulse of the publishing industry, these services are your key to unlocking your book’s potential.

  • Literary Agency Book Submission

    Starts at $999.00

    A Literary Agency Book Submission is the first-class ticket to publishing success, connecting your manuscript with the right agent who can navigate the complex world of publishing. With a blend of strategy, market research, and industry know-how, it’s the essential tool for any author looking to get their book into the hands of readers.

  • Magazine Advertising

    Starts at $7,000.00

    Magazine Advertising is the chic way to connect with a targeted audience, showcasing your brand and products in high-quality print media. With a range of niche publications and customizable ad placements, it’s the perfect tool for reaching the right people with a message that resonates. Make a statement and elevate your brand with magazine advertising.

  • Motion Film Project Management (MFPM)

    Starts at $39,000.00

    is the ultimate backstage pass to the glitz and glamour of the film industry. It connects you with top producers, directors, and studio executives, helping you navigate the Hollywood scene and pitch your script. With a keen eye for emerging talent and a passion for storytelling, this service is your ticket to making it big in Tinseltown.

  • Movie Producers Screenplay Pitch & Distribution

    Starts at $3,999.00

    Screenplay Pitch & Distribution is the launchpad for your blockbuster dreams, providing a direct line to production companies, studios, and streaming platforms. With expert guidance and industry insights, it’s the ultimate tool for any aspiring screenwriter looking to get their script into the right hands and potentially turn their vision into a box-office hit.

  • Multimedia Advertisement Online Distribution

    Starts at $6,999.00

    Online Multimedia Advertisement is the ultimate tool for capturing attention and driving engagement in the digital age. With a range of multimedia options, from video to interactive content, it’s the perfect way to showcase your brand and products across multiple channels. Get ready to make an impact and reach a global audience with our online multimedia advertisement.

  • Newspaper Advertising

    Starts at $8,000.00

    Newspaper Advertising is the classic way to reach a broad audience with a trusted medium. With a range of options for size and placement, it’s the perfect tool for getting your message out to the right people at the right time. From classifieds to display ads, newspaper advertising is a proven method for driving results.

  • Online Brand Visibility and Publicity (OBVP)

    Starts at $14,599.00

    Online Brand Visibility and Publicity services are the digital detectives that help boost your brand’s online presence. They optimize your website and social media channels, create engaging content, and connect with your target audience through influencer marketing and online advertising. With a focus on creativity and data-driven strategies, these services help your brand shine in the digital world.

  • Posters & Flyers

    Starts at $7,000.00

    Posters & Flyers are the powerful tools for promoting events, products, and services in a cost-effective way. With endless design possibilities and placement options, they’re perfect for reaching a local audience and generating buzz. Whether it’s a concert, sale, or community event, posters and flyers can help you get the word out and make a big impact.

  • Press Media Content

    Starts at $999.00

    Press release writing services are the newsroom superstars that spin your company’s latest achievements into a front-page story. They craft headlines that grab readers by the collar, lead paragraphs that hook them in, and quotes that bring your story to life. They spread your message like wildfire and make your brand the talk of the town.

  • Press Release

    Starts at $999.00

    Our Press Release service is the ultimate tool for getting the word out to media outlets and journalists, sharing your news and accomplishments with the world. With expert writing and distribution services, it’s the perfect way to generate buzz, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers. Get ready to make headlines with our Press Release service.

  • Product Videography

    Starts at $6,000.00

    We’ll provide visual storyteller that helps your products stand out from the crowd. They capture your products in action, highlighting their unique features and benefits, and create a compelling video that grabs your customers’ attention. With a focus on creativity and storytelling, this service helps your products shine on the screen.

  • Query Letter

    Starts at $499.00

    Query letter writing services are the literary agents of the writing world that pitch your manuscript to publishers with a persuasive and irresistible charm. They craft an introduction that captures the essence of your story, a synopsis that leaves publishers begging for more, and a bio that showcases your talent and credentials. They’re your literary matchmaker.

  • Radio & Audio Ad Production

    Starts at $4,000.00

    Audio advertisement service is the ear-catching voice that helps your brand stand out on the radio and other audio platforms. They create engaging audio ads that connect with your audience, convey your message, and drive conversions. With a focus on creativity and a mastery of sound, this service helps you reach your customers in a unique and memorable way.

  • Radio Advertisement Distribution

    Starts at $7,000.00

    Radio Advertisement Distribution is the ultimate tool for getting your message out to a large and diverse audience. With targeted advertising options and customizable schedules, it’s the perfect way to reach potential customers during their daily routine. Whether it’s driving brand awareness or promoting a specific product, radio advertising can help you achieve your goals.

  • Radio Advertisment & Interview

    Starts at $6,999.00

    Radio promotion amplifies your brand’s voice through energetic DJs, catchy jingles, and loyal listeners. It’s the rockstar of marketing that turns up the volume on your message and keeps it singing in people’s heads long after the music fades.

  • Screenplay Contest Submission

    Starts at $1,999.00

    Screenplay Contest Submission is the ultimate platform for aspiring screenwriters to showcase their talent and gain industry recognition. We submit your screenplay to top-tier contests, festivals, and fellowships, helping you get noticed by agents, managers, and producers. With a focus on storytelling and a passion for the craft, this service helps you take the first step toward making it big in Hollywood.

  • Screenplay Rights Management (SRM)

    Starts at $29,000.00

    We’ll help get your screenplay in front of the right people. We pitch your script to production companies, agents, and managers, and negotiate deals on your behalf. With a finger on the pulse of the film industry, these services are your ticket to making your cinematic dreams a reality.

  • Screenplay Service

    Starts at $5,999.00

    Screenwriting services are the master storytellers that weave words into a mesmerizing tapestry for the film world. They craft characters that jump off the page, dialogue that crackles with wit, and plots that twist and turn like a rollercoaster ride. They bring your story to life on the big screen with Hollywood magic.

  • Social Media Set-up & Management

    Starts at $4,499.00

    Social Media Set-up & Management Service is the ultimate tool for businesses and individuals looking to make an impact on social media. From creating a strong brand presence to managing content and engagement, it’s the perfect way to connect with your audience, build a community, and drive conversions. Get ready to elevate your social media game with our expert guidance and support.

  • Story & Author Literary Awards Submission

    Starts at $999.00

    This is your passport to literary stardom, guiding your manuscript to prestigious award nominations and increasing your chances of recognition. With our expert guidance and industry insights, it’s the ultimate tool for any aspiring author seeking recognition for their hard work.

  • TV Advertisement & Interview

    Starts at $9,999.00

    TV promotion is the red carpet of advertising that shines a spotlight on your brand with dazzling visuals, blockbuster storytelling, and a captive audience. It’s the superstar treatment that gives your message the Hollywood treatment and leaves a lasting impression in viewers’ minds.

  • TV Advertisement Distribution

    Starts at $10,000.00

    TV Advertisement Distribution is the key to reaching a wider audience, showcasing your brand and products on the big screen. With advanced targeting options and precise scheduling, it’s the ultimate tool for any business looking to increase their brand awareness and drive sales. Get your message in front of the right people and watch your business grow.

  • Website Design & Development

    Starts at $3,999.00

    A website service is your all-in-one solution for creating and maintaining a dynamic online presence. From website design and development to hosting, security, and SEO optimization, it’s the perfect tool for businesses and individuals who want to make an impact online. With expert guidance and support, a website service is the key to digital success.